Friday, August 31, 2007


Man, I woke up so early this morning. Anything before 11am is early especially when I'm still on summer vacay and I have no work the next day. Grr. I've been having these crazy ass dreams though. Let's just say we all went on a field trip last night on two buses. And two girls made out?? HAHA. And someone shaved their head like Britney Spears. HA. I like dreams that I can remember when I wake up. So cracy.

Anyway, my new obsession is with my google homepage. When you select a theme, it adjusts to your select city and time zone. So when it's actually nighttime, it's nighttime on google homepage too. Anyway, I picked the frog and the ladybug and they are soooo freaking CUTE! Like right now, they're practicing karate. And at night they toast marshmellows and make funny faces with a flashlight. HAHA! Sometimes I'll call or text JR what they're doing if it's something new. Yesterday I texted him they were playing with a slip n slide. You should make this your theme too because they are too funny. (does this make me a dork!??)

Vietnamese are brilliant because just like Kimtan, I wrote Disneyland a letter complaining about their rides and customer service. A week later, wah-lah! I got free Disneyland tickets! Yeah mans. Can't wait to use them :) Everything's better when it's free.

And with that, I wish you a happy Friday.

mister frog & miss ladybug


april joy said...

i have the tea house one with a fox and frog and they are soo super cute! :)

what a coincidink that you talk about disneyland cuz stank talked about it too! lets go!!!! but you're probably gonna use it with jr.. poop!

Unknown said...

i have the beach one and it's cool cuz it goes according to weather and time of day...but no random activities like urs. yes, that does make u a dork.

um, yeah...with our combined efforts...ur free the free ones i'm about to come up on...and my premium pass...let's go to disneyland!!!!!!!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

yo yo yo cile. Haven't talked to you in awhile. Hope you got my postcards from me. I got some souvenirs for you guys.