Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Karma is finally catching up with me and is kicking my ass today. Like, karma is a 30 member gang with brass knuckles and nunchuks and I'm a 98 year old shriveled woman on the brink of death and they just so happened to catch me on one of the worst days possible too.. SUPER DUPER SAD FACE.

1 I hate parking enforcement especially at my school, grr.
2 I hate white people, anglos.. caucasian. Whatever you wanna call them.
3 I hate cops.
4 I hate crying.

Add these all together and you'll get the gist of my day. ARGH!

But I gotta turn it around and think positive. Pay it forward somehow and redeem some fucking GREAT karma points... because I have a final in less than two hours and I can't take anymore bad luck.

Good day to you all.
& thanks for all the good luck wishes :]
