Friday, October 06, 2006

OTH Marathon!

As we speak, OTH is playing in the background while I upload pictures onto a NEW photosite because apparently Flickr only lets you upload 200 pictures unless you upgrade to a special member's account for moolah. No thanks, I'll pass. Thanks for the heads up Ollie after I had already captioned over 100 pictures. Grrrr-8. Anyway I found a new photosite that's open to the public, has a nice slideshow that shows captions, and it's pretty. So once I'm done check your inboxes or click on the link I'll be sharing :]

Yesterday's SURPRISE birthday dinner was a success. Almost EVERYONE showed up on time and before Bapes and George got there. Only a few late-comers. I forgot how great Chuck E. Cheese can be. 1 token for EVERYTHING?! That's freaking awesome!!! Let's go there again and again... and again. Happy Birthday Bapes, hope you enjoyed the festivites you sickophant :] And special thanks to my party planning partner Celestial, I'm so glad we managed to pull it off!!! You're the best!

So I saw on a commercial that Tmobile has their favorite 5: a new plan that allows ME to call any 5 numbers an unlimited amount of times. I'm thinking about doing it. I have my first 3 locked, but who will be the other 2?!?!?! Decisions, decisions.

Birthday Greetings to MY MOMMY & TJ. See you tonight everyone :]

i found my nathan scott ;] hahahaha