Another thing.. you know what's annoying??? People who have ambiguous license plates. I mean, you pay extra money (and I think it's an additional fee every year with registration) to show off this license plate and then the person behind you staring at the ass of your car is completely confused and dumbfounded because you (the knucklehead) decided to get RENUGDE or PUGLEVR or DOBLEDN etc. I hate that! Why even get a personalized license plate??? So what if YOU'RE the only one who gets it??? YOU'RE not the one looking at it, trying to decipher it's secret message. Bah! We really should pass legislation to ban ambiguous license plate. Really.
I went shopping today and only spent $6. And I got a ton of stuff. YAH MON!
seoul bbq for lunch!
don't forget!
don't forget!