Friday, August 04, 2006

An Early Night

Has anyone seen Ghost lately? You know, that one movie with Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze? Well, if you can remember what the name of the "theme" song is... let me know. A little too lazy to really think hard about it or even refer to I just turned on VH1 and it was on (if you're wondering why I'm even asking).

+ The pile of packages I need to send is building up. Gotta make a stop at the post office manana.
+ I just swallowed my gum. I guess I'll be seeing it in 9 years?
+ "Can you even go to a 12-step program for anti-semitism??"
+ Ricky Bobby was funny. But the people sitting right next to me were laughing a little too hard, so they basically killed the jokes for me. And don't you hate it when people decide to sit RIGHT NEXT to you. I mean, seriously... I need my personal space.