Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tutor Girl

i don't think i'm cut out for motherhood.

honestly, kids are the most adorable things ever... but i'm kind of partial to my neice and nephew. i tutor my boss' 9 year old daughter for a lump sum of money each week and i swear, this girl drives me nuts. she's sweet and naive, but also has the worst case of attention defecit disorder i've ever encountered. blah. completely frustrating at times, but i just bite my tongue and remind myself that SHE IS JUST 9 YEARS OLD. so basically twice a week, i'm testing my patience and i'm coming up with a C average.

hopefully it's just a phase and when my calling has come, i'll be in mommy-mode. that or i hope my husband is prepared to be a full-time papa. yikes what a thought.

24 Hours

I tried doing the detox diet with Celeste, but I quit...early. Haha, it's too hard. If I went on any longer, I could have quite possibly DIED. I cannot live on bananas and water alone for 3 days. I sorry.

Since I gave up so easily I decided to give up soda entirely. So it's been 24 hours since my last sip of that refreshing cola and I'm surviving. Not too bad at all.

+ Happy Birthday Avery!!

note to self: STUDY STUDY STUDY!