Thursday, April 05, 2007

You Know How I Know You're Gay..

So we saw Blades of Glory yesterday and it was pretty good. Usual knucklehead humor, but nevertheless funny. Funniest or most fucked up part: Iron Lotus in Korea. HAHAHA! I chuckled pretty good.

God, you know how I know I'm getting old? Z90 is referring to Tupac as Old School Hip Hop!!?? They have these little promo sayings before they start playing music and one of them is something to the effect of: Get ready for some old school hip hop! They then continue to play Tupac. TUPAC?! Since when is Tupac considered old school? It was just like 10 YEARS AGO! And then I realized, wow.. 10 years. I was old enough to be aware of my surroundings meaning I was old enough to have a vivid memory, which translates to me being old. Jeez Z90, you're killin me.

You also know you're getting old when you have close friends that are getting married! AhemJoyce! My gosh we went through our 21 year old phase and going to E Street (jeez, remember that place!!??), Ole, and PB Bar & Grill. God and that was just 2 years ago!! My how time flies.. Soon enough all of us will be married and having kids. Oh My God. (haha but ps. I can't wait to get married)

Then to make it even more painfully obvious, my niece and nephew are growing sooo fast. They're talking up storms and having full-length conversations with me, most of them I can barely understand.. but still! They're walking, talking, potty training, and lastly.. making their Auntie feel old times ten. AAAH!

Well, I stink of coffee so I better wash up before the big game tonight. BTW, CONGRATULATIONS PURPLE HAZE #1 FOR MAKING IT THIS FAR & GOOD LUCK TONIGHT!! See you all for a very good time tonight :)