Saturday, December 02, 2006

Shit. Shit. Shit.

What a way to start off a shitty morning... I was supposed to open at 545 am today, but for some reason my alarm didn't go off and I woke up at 630am. Grr. So I was super late! Not only that but I don't have the key to the back office and I tripped like 5 times over these stupid mats we have in the front. Working-woes... woe is me.

The only bright side is getting off early and hanging out with the mans alllll day. Shopping for Christmas gifts, errands, and then December Nights @ Balboa Park. Yaaay. If anyone's interested, you know who to call.

I got tickets to 93.3's Holiday Show this Wednesday December 6th. THANK YOU MIKEY, LOVE YOU! Pussycat Dolls and other lame acts but who cares. They're free tickets!!! What a way to celebrate my last day of schooooool :]

Okay back to "studying" and watching GG.

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