Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Drama Queen Tendencies

Being sick in the middle of August, the last few weeks of summer, SUCKS. Sniffling constantly and sounding congested is not attractive at all. Bleh. Oh and note to self... don't buy Airborne's "hot apple cider" medicine because it tastes like crap.

Anyway, since I haven't been home lately I've been missing out on prime time bebes time aka spending quality time with my adorable niece and nephew. So this morning they came in my room causing a ruckus.. messing up all my junk.. and just putting me in a not so cheery mood. But I love them anyway! Cara was playing with this picture postcard all morning and when they were leaving my room, my sister told Cara to ask me if she could have it back. And as she stood there asking me for it, I held it up and ripped it into pieces. MUAHAHAHAHAAH. Seriously only did it for dramatic effect. The look on her face was priceless. Absolutely hilarious, yet at the same time heartbreaking cause when that little girl's bottom lip starts to quiver... man she's got me in check. Hahahahahhaha it was soooo freaking cute. She got butt hurt about it for a bit, but she was over it in a second because she loves her auntie/godmother. And I love those kids to death.

Okay well it's 1pm and I finally got to sleep in. I should probably start getting ready and start being productive. Got some stuff I need to check off on my list of things to do. So I'm outtie.

+ Hope Lai, Donna, and Joyce had a GREAT first day of school.
Nothing smells better than a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils.

happy 22nd.


Anonymous said...

you are so mean vy.

joyce said...

haha! thanks for the greeting? see you soon?! geez!